
Federal Government Jobs

Helping job hunters find, apply for, and land government jobs

Federal Jobs Availability

All Occupations

The United States government publishes thousands of vacancies through job announcements daily in hundreds of disciplines and locations stateside and overseas. There is something for everyone, no matter what your experience or educational level. Most professional, administrative and management jobs are in the General Schedule while the trades and labor are Wage Grade positions. If job seekers are flexible and willing to relocate, they are able to select from a broader range of federal job opportunities.

This website provides information about all aspects of federal employment and expanded federal job listings by occupation and agency plus we include related private sector jobs. The job search feature compiles listings from all agencies across the Internet and provides easy-to-use searches by occupation and /or agency. The real benefit is that all searches are geographically targeted to your area and include related private sector jobs to provide access to the largest pool of available federal jobs possible for your area and expertise. Use the site’s search feature to find necessary information and the resources section provides abundant tools for your job search.

Many resources are available to locate job announcements throughout this site and include comprehensive federal job listings. Specific hiring programs such as student hiring, veterans’ preference, overseas jobs and law enforcement jobs are available to expose you to the broadest list of federal job vacancies possible.


The more contacts that you make, the better your chances and don’t get lost in the federal application process. Too many devote all of their time on one effort. They locate a job announcement, send their application in and then forget about the job announcement until they receive a reply. Federal jobs are very competitive and the more job announcements you apply for the better your chances will be.

Your application and federal resume require detailed content, proper grammar, and correct spelling. Most agencies use online applications and a federal style resume format. A private sector resume isn’t sufficient to apply for a federal government job, it lacks the required detail to be rated “Best Qualified.”

This site provides numerous resources for you to locate and apply for federal jobs. You can search for specific occupations or by agency using the links that follow. You can also visit the federal government’s central recruiting site at www.usajobs.gov. Tremendous Federal job opportunities are available for those willing to explore this lucrative job market.

Available Jobs Menu


Competitive Service

Approximately 50 percent of civilian jobs are in the competitive service, which means that people applying for them must be evaluated by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) either directly or through agency personnel offices that are delegated direct-hire or case-hire authority.

Candidates are chosen from an applicant pool based on their qualifications and how closely they meet the desired knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies stated in the vacancy announcement.

Read the job announcement thoroughly to determine all requirements and evaluate job opportunity announcements and complete a professional federal style résumé to improve your chances. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for positions in the Competitive Service.

Excepted Service

Excepted Service positions are “excepted” by law because the agencies offering these types of positions have direct ties to national security and/or intelligence functions or are otherwise inappropriate for competitive examining.

Examples of positions that fall under Excepted Service include attorneys, chaplains, air traffic controllers, and medical doctors; for these types of jobs, it is difficult to use standard qualification requirements such as what’s used in competitive jobs for Human Resources (HR) to rate applicants. Examples of agencies that fill the bulk of their vacancies via Excepted Service include the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department of State (DOS), the National Security Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Excepted Service positions are not required by law to be posted on USAJobs.gov, however, most are posted there today. Candidates who are interested in these types of positions should consult the official websites of the agencies that offer this type of job opportunity. Excepted service job benefits, pay, etc. are identical in most cases to competitive service positions.

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