2020 Census Recruiting – Federal Careers

Under the United States Constitution, every ten years, the federal government is obligated to count its population. The United States Census Bureau counts every single resident of the country, as mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. This process is very important from a social, administrative, and political perspective. The data collected during …

Writer and Editor GS-1082-Working for the Federal Government

Writers and editors include positions that involve writing and editing materials, such as reports, regulations, articles, newsletters, magazines, news releases, training materials, brochures, interpretive handbooks, pamphlets, guidebooks, scholarly works, reference works, speeches, or scripts. The work requires the acquisition of information on a variety of subjects in the course of completing assignments. The work requires …

Student Debt Forgiven for Federal Employees  

With the increasing cost of education and the challenges for recent graduates and parents, opportunities to reduce or eliminate college debt can be life changing. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average student may borrow up to $22,000 before graduation; approximately 280,000 of these individual borrowers default on their payments between years 3 …

Defense Bill Signed

Despite a request to boost buyout amounts (government-wide) to $40,000, President Trump signed a new bill into law recently that will ensure non-defense agency amounts are maintained at $25,000. This will be the third year that Congress has consistently rejected such a request; the $25,000 threshold was established early in the Clinton Administration. Additionally, the …

An Interview with John Guenther (Aerospace Engineer & Blacksmith)

I would like to introduce John Guenther whom I have known for several years. He sings in our church choir and is an avid amateur blacksmith. While in the federal government he was an aerospace engineer (GS-0861) and upon retiring was a program manager (GS-0301). Here is John’s story: Why did you choose to work …

The Federal Government Workforce is Shrinking

If you are a current employee looking for a change, or perhaps interested in federal employment, don’t let politics impact your decision. Even though total federal employment is expected to decrease in the near future, many opportunities still exist as agencies must recruit highly skilled workers to replace those who retire or move on to …

New Bills for Federal Employees

Federal employees will be able to see new changes surrounding the appeals process pertaining to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). The MSPB is an agency that is an independent part of the Executive Branch who governs the Federal merit system. It was established by the Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 and codified by …

Translator GS-1040-Working for the Federal Government

This series includes positions the primary duties of which are to administer, supervise, or perform work in rendering from a foreign language into English or from English into a foreign language the spoken or written word where the objective is accurate translations and/or interpretations. Government Requirements You must be a U.S. citizen to apply The …

Civil Servant Firing Policy Changes

President Trump recently signed an Executive Order that involves the process of firing “poor performing” civil servants. Additionally, the order limits funding power from the federal unions that were protections. Specifically three taskings associated with the orders are in place; these include: timing on poor performing civil servants and how long they have to correct …

Postal Inspectors – Working For the Federal Government

The Postal Inspection Service defends us from criminals who attack our nation’s postal system and/or misuse it to endanger, defraud, or otherwise threaten the American public. As the primary law enforcement arm of the Postal Service, the Postal Inspection Service is a highly specialized, professional organization performing investigative and security functions essential to a stable …